Introduction to Digital and Analog Electronics

📆 2022–
👨‍🎓 100

Synopsis from the Approved Curriculum

Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors; operational principle of a p-n junction diode, contact potential and biasing of a diode, current-voltage characteristics of a diode, simplified DC and AC diode models, dynamic resistance and capacitance. Half wave and full wave rectifiers, rectifiers with filter capacitor, clamping and clipping circuits. Characteristics of a Zener diode. BJT characteristics and its different regions of operation. Biasing of a BJT. Small signal equivalent circuit models of BJT. Voltage and current gain, input and output impedance of common base, common emitter and common collector amplifier circuits. Structure and physical operation of an enhancement MOSFET. Properties of ideal OP-Amps, non-inverting and inverting amplifiers, inverting integrators, differentiator, weighted summer and other applications of Op-Amp circuits. Comparator circuit with Op-Amps. Number system and codes. Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s law. Diode logic gates, transistor switches, transistor-transistor gates, MOS gates. Logic Families: TTL, ECL, IIL and CMOS logic with operation details. Decoders and encoders, multiplexers and combinational circuit design. Different types of latches, flip-flops. A/D and D/A converters with applications. Timing circuit using 555 Timer IC. Monostable and astable multivibrators


  • Faisal Farhan
  • Room: 9B02
  • Consultation hour: Monday (1.00 p.m - 2.40 p.m), Tuesday, Wednesday (3.30 p.m - 5.00 p.m

Learning Outcomes

  • L1. Explain the basic operation of different semiconductor devices (Diode, BJT, MOSFET, Op-amp etc.).
  • L2. Discuss the operation of different digital and analog circuits.
  • L3. Solve mathematical problems related to devices and analog & digital circuits.

Study material

  • R. L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky , Electrronic Devices & Circuit Theory, 10th ed. NJ: Pearson, 2012
  • M. M. Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, 5th ed. NJ: Prentice-Hall,Inc., 1994
  • A.S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Microelctronic Circuits, 5th ed.NY: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2004

Assesment Methods

  • Class Attendance and Performance: 10 marks
  • Quiz: 20 marks
  • Final Examination: 70 marks